sábado, 22 de junho de 2013


Kinkajou, Potos flavus
there’s a special on procyonids this week.:3 Cousin of the olingo, the Kinkajou lives in the tropical forests of Central and South America, where they spend most of their time in the trees. They are able to turn their feet backwards to run easily in either direction along branches or up and down trunks. The kinkajou also has a prehensile tail that it uses much like another arm. Kinkajous often hang from this incredible tail, which also aids their balance and serves as a cozy blanket while the animal sleeps high in the canopy.
Kinkajous are sometimes called honey bears because they raid bees’ nests. They use their long, skinny tongues to slurp honey from a hive, and also to remove insects like termites from their nests. Kinkajous also eat fruit and small mammals, which they snare with their nimble front paws and sharp claws. They roam and eat at night, and return each morning to sleep in previously used tree holes. Kinkajous form treetop groups and share social interactions such as reciprocal grooming. They are vocal animals—though seldom seen, they are often heard screeching and barking in the tropical forest canopy.
Female kinkajous give birth to one offspring in spring or summer. The baby is born with its eyes shut and cannot see for a month. It develops quickly, however, and by the end of the second month, it is already able to hang upside down from its tail.(x)
nome: jupará
nome científico: potos flavus
ordem: carnivora
família: procyonidae
outros nomes: quincaju
descrição: os juparás são mamíferos arborícolas e nocturnos da família dos procionídeos, da mesma família dos quatis. são encontrados do méxico ao sudeste do brasil, mas principalmente na amazónia. possuem cerca de 60 cm de comprimento, cabeça arredondada, orelhas e focinho curtos, cauda longa e preênsil, pelagem densa e macia, de cor castanha-avermelhada ou amarelada. chegam a pesar 3 kg. alimentam-se basicamente de frutos, insectos e néctar de flor. devido à sua alimentação ser de néctar de flores, são considerados bons polinizadores. pode chegar a viver 30 anos em cativeiro e a sua gestação é de 4 meses. o peso varia entre 1,4 a 4,6 kg, com comprimento do corpo variando entre 40 a 80 cm, e cauda 39 a 57 cm. os machos geralmente são maiores que as fêmeas. quando activo, move-se rapidamente entre a copas das árvores, saltando para outra árvore quando necessário. percorrem rotas no território, que são marcadas pelo próprio animal, utilizando glândulas localizadas no tórax e abdómen.

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